Random walk networks

Author(s): Luque, B; Ballesteros, FJ Conference: 8th Latin American Workshop[ on Nonlinear Phenomena Location: Salvador, BRAZIL Date: SEP 28-OCT 03, 2003 Source: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS  Volume: 342   Issue: 1-2   Pages: 207-213  ...

Scaling laws in the distribution of galaxies

Author(s): Jones, BJT; Martinez, VJ; Saar, E; et al. Source: REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS  Volume: 76   Issue: 4   Pages: 1211-1266   Published: OCT 2004 Past surveys have revealed that the large-scale distribution of galaxies in...

Mission: impossible (escape from the Lyman limit)

Author(s): Fernandez-Soto, A; Lanzetta, KM; Chen, HW Source: MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY  Volume: 342   Issue: 4   Pages: 1215-1221   DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-8711.2003.06622.x   Published: JUL 11 2003 We investigate the intrinsic opacity of high-redshift...