Telegrama a un planeta Concurso educativo

Result of the contest

(Updated on 21 November)

Programme QuèQui TV3 – Episode 6 “Interstellar Message”


Why not start the 23/24 school year by communicating with extraterrestrials?

Communication with possible extraterrestrial civilisations has been part of the collective imagination for generations, and there are many examples in literature and cinema that bear witness to this.

But also in science. Galileo already wondered if there were living beings on the Moon and other planets, and researchers from all eras and cultures have reflected on the plurality of inhabited worlds and whether there is someone out there with whom we can communicate. This concern led to the start of the SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) programme back in the 1960s, which has since actively sought signals from other civilisations in the universe.

However, listening to the Universe while remaining silent is not an optimal way to communicate. If alien civilisations on the other side do the same, it will be impossible to establish any kind of communication, which is why we take the initiative and set ourselves the challenge of sending a message into space.
As a result of the collaboration between the OAUV, CESAR (ESA/INTA/ISDEFE), CAB, IEEC and TV3,
this contest is born, which aims to contribute to making the educational community aware of the SETI programme: what its foundations are, its methods, the most notable protagonists and milestones, and, of course, how we will manage to establish potential contact with an extraterrestrial civilisation. What would be our intention in this first communicative act? What would we say to an extraterrestrial civilisation about which we know nothing and which, very probably, knows nothing about us? What would we say to them and… in what language?

Our challenge

Compose a graphic message or pictogram with which to establish first contact with a possible alien civilisation on the planet Teegarden b, a potentially habitable planet of the star Teegarden (12.5 light years from our Solar System).


The pictogram must consist of a 73×73 pixel matrix, and each pixel can only take one of these two values: white or black.

In addition, the images shown must meet a series of ethical requirements detailed in our Didactic Guide.

It is essential that the pictogram is accompanied by a brief report of no more than one page, explaining its meaning and justification.
Participating teachers must download the Didactic Guide in which they will find, in addition to the instructions and a template for creating the pictogram, all kinds of resources to work on the various related topics in the classroom.
Additionally, we provide you with the following presentation that summarises the contents of the guide. For direct application in the classroom, we provide the following example of a didactic unit with a selection of contents and their sequencing, as well as the corresponding exercise sheets that you can download here. (The proposed exercises are aimed at 4th-year ESO students. For other levels, adaptation is required.)

Given the distance to Teegarden b, we will have to wait until 2048, that is, 25 years from now, for a possible response. We will have to be patient.

Who can participate?

Students from educational centres throughout Spain from 3rd year of ESO to 2nd year of Bachillerato and FP (FPB and CCFF GM).

When and how to participate? Key dates

The official start of the contest is next 11 September.
To participate, you must register your school and your groups in the following registration form.
Registration opens with the start of the contest and will close on 29 September.
We will receive your proposals from the official start of the contest until 31 October.
You must send them to the email address

Contest Result

From all the pictograms we receive from participating centres, a single message will be selected to be sent to Teegarden b through the antennas of INTA at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) of ESA in Villanueva de la Cañada (Madrid). Additionally, the content of the winning message and the process of its sending will be the subject of a documentary made by TV3.
If your message is not selected, it will not be broadcast by the antennas towards Teegarden b but it will be published both on our website and in the documentary made by TV3. (Registration in the contest implies acceptance of this condition).
The winning message will be selected by a committee of representatives from all collaborating entities and the decision will adhere to the criteria detailed in the following scorecard.
During the development process, we will be delighted to answer your queries that you should direct to the email address or, alternatively, to
(Attention!, the collection of participating pictograms will only be carried out through the address)

Cheer up and go for your interstellar “Hello World”!