Astronomical activities with disabled people
Author(s): Ortiz-Gil, Amelia; Blay, Pere; Gallego Calvente, A. Teresa; et al.
Book Editor(s): VallsGabaud, D; Boksenberg, A
Conference: 260th Symposium of the International-Astronomical-Union Location: UNESCO, Paris, FRANCE Date: JAN 19-23, 2009
Sponsor(s): Observ Paris; Int Astronom Union; Acad Sci Paris; Inst Natl Sci Univ; Region Ile France
Source: ROLE OF ASTRONOMY IN SOCIETY AND CULTURE Book Series: IAU Symposium Proceedings Series Issue: 260 Pages: 490-493 DOI: 10.1017/S1743921311002729 Published: 2011
As we celebrate the International Year of Astronomy, we have been working on four different projects with the goal of making astronomy more accessible to people with special needs. These projects are 1) an astronomy book and web site for blind people, 2) an open source software for people with motor disabilities, 3) a planetarium program for the visually impaired and 4) educational material for intellectually disabled people.