(Español) ¡Visítanos en la Feria de la Ciencia de Quart de Poblet!

(Español) El sábado 28 de septiembre, el Observatorio Astronómico participará en la III Feria de la Ciencia de Quart de Poblet. Si te interesa conocer cómo estudiaban el cielo los científicos de la antigüedad, ven a nuestra carpa y prueba los instrumentos que utilizaban antes de que se inventara el telescopio.

Sahrawi children play with astronomy

On July 23rd, a group of Sahrawi children who are spending the summer in Valencia as part of the “Vacaciones en Paz” (Holidays in Peace) program enjoyed an evening of astronomical and ecological activities at Casa Penya (Sagunt) thanks to the Amanar project and the collaboration of Acció Ecologista Agró, Fundación Sapiencia, and the University of Valencia Astronomical Observatory. The nearly 30 participating children enjoyed the eclipse workshop led by Isabel Cordero, a member of Sapiencia and a professor at the UV. The Observatori contributed with a live recreation of the eclipses in which the children used masks to simulate becoming the Earth or the Sun themselves, and then launched rockets into space (well, almost). The final touch was provided by the astronomer Enric Marco (UV) with an astronomical observation with a telescope.

Name a Quasi Moon!

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the award-winning science podcast Radiolab have teamed up to build a new naming contest for one of Earth’s quasi-moons. People worldwide will have the chance to leave their mark on our sky with official recognition from the world’s authority for assigning names to objects in our Solar System and beyond.

Public visits to the OAO are open

¡¡¡ SOLD OUT !!! The Astronomical Observatory has already put tickets on sale for public visits to the Aras de los Olmos Observatory. Here we leave the link so you can make your purchase:...

Aurora boreal desde nuestro observatorio

(Español) El pasado viernes 10 de mayo se produjo en nuestro planeta una intensa tormenta geomagnética que se ha manifestado en auroras visibles a latitudes insospechadas, como la de nuestro observatorio en Aras de los Olmos. Os dejamos aquí el maravilloso vídeo realizado por nuestros compañeros Vicent Peris y Alicia Lozano.